LifeStream Summer Blood Drive
The Library is joining with the Mizell Center and the Boys & Girls Club of Palm Springs as ‘parkners’ to encourage blood donations this summer. Donations are desperately needed and your donation can help Palm Springs win the 9 City Challenge, so please come out and donate blood from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Mizell Center Noia Auditorium, 480 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs.
For appointments call 800-879-4484
or make an appointment online
Assisted Listening Devices (ALDs) are instruments designed to amplify sounds to make it easier for persons who are hearing‑impaired to enjoy a library program.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the City of Palm Springs, should contact the ADA Coordinator, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.