The Family Fork: Creating a Family Heirloom Book
This event is presented by the Palm Springs Genealogical Society with guest speaker Sandra Sellick. This FREE program will be from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in The Learning Center.
Heirloom books can be created for a variety of worthwhile purposes. In this workshop, participants will consider their own reasons for creating an heirloom book. Based on these considerations, participants will be able to prepare a list of objects of personal significance that they might include in an heirloom book and draft a sample page. The presenter will conclude with suggestions for assembling heirloom books and the inclusion of photos. The workshop will include time for questions.
Sandra Sellick is a Canadian educator with experience teaching students from elementary to graduate school. She is also a credentialed evaluator who serves as a consultant on program evaluation for public-sector and not-for-profit organizations. Family history research has been a hobby and a passion of hers for over 45 years. She has traced her family tree to the late 1500s in England, the late 1700s in Ireland, and the early 1800s in Wales, making many interesting discoveries along the way. Sandra was a charter member of the Family History Association of Canada and a founding member of the Kelowna and District Genealogical Society. She is currently member of two genealogical associations and indexes newspaper records for the BC Genealogy Society in her spare time.
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