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Lecture: Therapist Peter Bedard
“Dealing with Anxiety”
We all have anxiety. Peter Bedard takes us through a simple process of working with anxiety and learning to LOVE it. With any pain, anxiety included, our society historically teaches us to attack it, to be angry with it, to cut it out, shove it aside, medicate it, or run away from it. We become frustrated and bully the parts of us that are suffering. This can create a feedback loop, causing us to feel more anxious, overwhelmed, and helpless. Inspired by a timeless quote from Rumi, the mystical poet, "The cure for pain is in the pain", Peter takes us on another healing journey full of practical and doable concepts that can help you heal.
Peter Bedard, MA, C.Ht., RScP, is a therapist based in Southern California. He is the author of two books, “Billy and the Anxiety Monster” and “Convergence Healing: Healing the Pain with Energetic Love”.
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