CANCELED: End of Life Planning – Don’t be Afraid, Be Prepared!
Presented by Jeff Palmer. End of Life Doula
End of life planning should include getting all your affairs in order – financial, emotional and physical – so, when death occurs, your heirs don’t have to unravel the complex details of your life while dealing with their own grief. This program will discuss advanced directives and living wills as well as the fears around death.
Jeff Palmer is an End-of-Life Doula dedicated to transforming how we approach death and dying. With a compassionate and holistic approach, Jeff encourages people of all ages and health statuses to envision and plan for their end-of-life experience. His journey into this meaningful work was profoundly shaped by personal loss: the passing of his first partner and a number of close friends to HIV/AIDS, the deaths of his parents, and the death of a very close girlfriend to cancer. These experiences fueled his journey for self-discovery and professional growth.
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